
People have been asking me how my transition has been since my return from Costa Rica two months ago. My dad summed it up pretty well: "Take a look at what happened to the 'Why I love my life' blog." Time here happens so fast -- I have zero time to slow down, breathe, and appreciate life's little miracles. I've forgotten all the reasons why I love my life.

Now it's time to remember.

Reason No. 375

- Becca Fakkema

Reason No. 366
"I love my life because the
freedom of independence
is a solid reason for living."
-Donna Enco

Reason No. 367

- Cami Hoglund

Reason No. 368

- Molly Artz

Reason No. 369

"I love my life because
I always have
somewhere special
to come home to."
- Antonia Heffelfinger

Reason No. 370

-Jensen Turner

Reason No. 372
"I love my life because
I saw fireflies in person
for the first time last night
and it was incredible.
Also, because I have seen the
moon rise
and slept beneath the stars."
- Sarah Moses-Winyard

The following reasons were written by my students a week before I returned from Costa Rica.
Maybe you'll be able to catch a glimpse of these girls' beauty
that I was privileged to see every day.

Reason No. 371

"I love my life because I like ballet."

- Jessica

Reason No. 372

"I love my life because smiles exist."
- Katherinne

Reason No. 373

"I love my life because Zuyen was born."
teen mother

Reason No. 374

"I love my life because my girl friends and food exist.
I love my life because of my daughter and my family.
I love my life because of the love in a family."
gave birth to her step-father's
child at age seventeen

Reason No. 375

"I love my life because I'm alive and I have a sister."

Reason No. 376

"I love my life because I'm happy."

Reason No. 377

"I love my life because I have my dad, my sisters, and friends.
I love my life because I want to find the reason
why God allowed me to be born."

Reason No. 378

"I love my life because dolphins exist."
- Kassandra

Reason No. 379

"I love my life because there are good people in the world. And because of love."
- Yancy