
Submitted Reason No. 8

"I love my life because my best friend and I met John Mayer...and we'll never get over it."

- Sophie Boudrea, my future friend and roommate-to-be who should check her mailbox within then next week or so.

Reason No. 55

"I love my life because I love the city."

Reason No. 108

"I love my life because I've seen Slumdog Millionaire."

Reason No. 86

"I love my life because I am proud of standing out."

Reason No. 129

"I love my life because Mila Zotova is part of it."

Reason No. 232

"I love my life because sleepovers never get old (even though I do)."

Reason No. 181

"I love my life because I am not defined by my achievements in high school."

Reason No. 158

"I love my life because it is no one else's."

Reason No. 233

"I love my life because I'm not afraid to die."

Submitted Reason No. 6

"I love my life because friends mail me art."

Submitted Reason No. 7

"I love my life because I'm a dork...And so are my friends."

PS So sorry about not getting these up on Sunday as promised. The power cord to my laptop is working 17% of the time and the letters K and I on my keyboard no longer function.

But guess what?


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