
Submitted Reason No. 9

"I love my life because the spaces between my fingers
are right where yours fit...perfectly."

- Kaetlynn Daoust

Submitted Reason No. 10

"I love my life because smiles speak louder to me than any words ever could."
- Connie Grimnes

Submitted Reason No. 11

"I love my life because we've always been best friends."
- Elisabeth Raff

Reason No. 92

"I love my life because everything is paying off."

Reason No. 19

"I love my life because I haven't wasted my childhood trying to act grown up."

Reason No. 101

"I love my life because I'm not homophobic."

Reason No. 237

"I love my life because I can sing the Sponge Bob theme song (in English AND Spanish)."

Reason No. 128

"I love my life because I make connections."

Reason No. 112

"I love my life because I have something that Stargirl doesn't: brothers."

Reason No. 169

"I love my life because of the shy ones."

Reason No. 239

"I love my life because we tell each other everything."

Reason No. 145

"I love my life because we all are 'who we choose to be'."

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